Our Story

At Queso + Carne we believe in the power of food placement being an art. The art of pairing delicious and beautiful foods has become our obsession and we are so glad you are here for it.

What started out as a hobby and expectation by the family at every get together, has turned into this beautiful southern & rugged version of Charcuterie. Thats right, those slabs of boards with beautiful Cheese + Meats (Hence, Queso + Carne).

The owner and founder of this business is Sierra Work, a full-time teacher, mother, wife, grad student and advocate for the disabled community. Queso + Carne takes pride in the movement for equal representation and liberty for all people.

Our tex-mex version of menu items stems from the owner’s study and fulfillment of a minor in the Spanish language in under-graduate school. We love celebrating diversity and culture and are proud to represent our version of charcuterie with this business.

All the glory belongs to our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ.